The Danes’ Triangle
The main area of settlement for Danish immigrants in Argentina has always been the so-called Danes’ Triangle on the pampa south of Buenos Aires. This is the area between and around the towns Tandil, Necochea and Tres Arroyos. The main part of the recordings (99 persons) made by the Danish Voices-project was conducted in this area.
The Danish settlements on the pampa go back to the middle of the 19th century when the pioneer Juan (Hans) Fugl from Lolland settled here, and the area continued to attract a substantial number of immigrants from Denmark until ca. 1930. The Argentine Danish group on the pampa is characterized by strong bonds: People know (of) each other, and the Danish associations are still gathering points where Danish language is used along with Spanish. The protestant Danish graveyard in Tres Arroyos and its chapel resemble a chapel and graveyard in Denmark. The stones on the graveyard show a mix of Danish and Argentine names.

We had delicious Danish desserts (trifle, citronfromage, æblekage) on a beach bar with a spectacular view on the Atlantic Ocean.

If you are interested in reading more about Danishness in Argentina, we point to the report (in Danish) ’En snert af dansk mellem pampa og urskov’, written by Nadia Hansen and edited by Jan Heegård and Karoline Kühl.
Map of the area

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